Hooray! Our newest single, Morning News, is out on YouTube as of today and will be available for purchase, along with the rest of a new EP in the near future and we can't wait - We are excited and anxious to get new music out! It's been a thought for a while, but we can't wait to make it a reality. Recording is one of my favorite aspects of being a musician, and it's so cool getting to hear it all come together after tedious time spent tweaking tracks. (I'm a novice when it comes to production, but it's cool for me to see Josh and Justin exchange ideas.) This EP will be a bit of a shift from the last one. Stylistically, it's a bit more laid back. Josh and I are recording DIY and are fortunate enough to have our talented friend, Justin LaFramboise (same guy who mixed Beautiful Dream) help us with mixing.
Josh and I tied the knot about two weeks ago and are currently recording things out of our house (which was my grandparents' house) - It's a bit nostalgic and surreal recording and producing music in the house my grandfather spent hours upon hours playing piano in.
The cover photo for Morning News is a photo of my grandmother when she was (I think) in her 20s. The writing in the background is taken from a newspaper clip about her and my grandfather's 60th wedding anniversary. I thought it was appropriate imagery for the track, considering we are living/ recording in their once home. There are little traces of them all over, and I know they would love to hear this. What I was going for when writing Morning News was capturing timeless love in a song. The kind that makes small, seemingly insignificant things more beautiful, and makes petty, seemingly significant things less important.
I hope y'all like the track, and we can't wait to release the rest of the EP!